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Design Director / Tone and Manner / Office Design

Corporate | Anicom Holdings, Inc | 2005 - Present

ani + com


Anicom Holdings started when Komori Nobuaki, who had been a young exec in Japan’s top ranking life insurance company, talked with his brother, a veterinarian, and realized what a blue ocean the pet market was here. Holdings is the parent company of the insurance side as well as an international capital investment company. The name comes from Komori-san’s love of the written word, esp the etymology of certain kanji (Chinese characters). Human in Japanese is “Ningen” which is made up of two kanji: “person” and “between.” It is Komori-san’s firm belief that what lies between people and makes them more than beast is communication. Thus Anicom is an amalgam of ani (anima; moving or living things) and com (communication; that which allows us to share ourselves and history with one another, thereby making society and culture. )

The Shinjuku honjo, which is the fourth building the company has occupied as a main office is designed around the concept of communication as the base for human society.

Throughout the top floor of the Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Grand Tower in Nishi Shinjuku, Tokyo is a physical representation of the history of human language. The entrance to the offices, seen above, is a rock wall with “cave paintings” recreated to show the first written communication and art. Next is a series of stone and clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, and the advent of pen and ink.

The concept when the building was made to have as much open space to “see through time and culture” and have a free working environment. (They say “free” but what they mean is you can’t nap at your desk…)

Anicom has a baker’s dozen of branches now across Japan and China as well as several pet shops, hospitals, themed cafes and event spaces. As I have known Komori-san for over 15 years now and developed the company’s overall brand and PR departments, I’ve was also tasked to define and then design the visual tone and manner of each of these venues. This is a walk through the main office, my favorite of the many that I’ve had the pleasure of working on. My role in this one was concept, art direction and production management. As well as hand making many of the props.

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Lost Lands Theme Park

